Wednesday, 27 April 2016

LO2: Legal and Ethical

IPSO stands for "Independent Press Standards Organisation". They regulate the magazine and newspaper industry and make sure that newspapers and magazines adhere to (follow) the rules of the Editors' Code of Practice. This is a code which makes sure that magazines are truthful, that they don't intrude in people's personal matters and that they don't cause grief or shock. They also must not harass anyone.

How I will adhere to this regulation:
I won't write anything untrue about my brother or his project, or reveal anything that is private or shocking. When I am interviewing him, I won't ask any questions in a harassing way.

2. Obscene Publications Act
This makes sure that magazines don't publish anything that could be seen as obscene for a reader, such as nudity, explicit language, violence, depiction of drugs and alcohol.

How I will adhere to this regulation:
I won't glamourise the use of drugs/alcohol at nightclubs which obviously would happen at gigs, or publish any bad language which might be said. My target audience is males aged 20-40, so some of the younger ones might be impressionable. Therefore, if they saw obscene things in the magazine, then they might be more likely to do those things themselves.

3. Libel Law
This law states that it is illegal to publish untrue information about someone or say things that are harmful.

How I will adhere to this regulation:
I will be making up one of my articles in my magazine, which is technically going to be untrue, but because I am writing it for educational purposes and not actually publishing it, then it is okay. I will also not write anything harmful about the interviewees in my articles.

4. Copyright
Protects the creator/producer's "intellectual property" - this is content which they own and have created themselves.
How I will adhere to this regulation:
Things such as logos, locations, organisations and photos could be copyright protected so I will need permission to show or talk about these things in my magazine. In particular, I will need to get copyright permission for: my brother's "SHIRTY" logo, any locations in Brighton where we take photos, and for my brother himself starring in the photos.

5. Laws of contempt
These state that it is illegal to publish anything that could influence or compromise a court case while it is in progress.

How I will adhere to this regulation:
Since neither of my articles are to do with any court cases, I will not be writing anything that could compromise one.

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