Monday 4 April 2016

LO1: Examples of Existing Magazines

Front Pages / Covers

What I like about them / what I could pastiche:
  • The vibrant, contrasting colours of the bottom EXPOSED magazine make the magazine look striking and exciting.
  • The clean, easy-to-read look of the WIRED magazine.
  • The atmosphere created by the dull greys and reds of the DAMN NOISY KIDS magazine.
Contents Pages

What I like about them / what I could pastiche:
  • The complementary reds, whites and blacks of three of the above magazines.
  • The clearly separated columns of the second magazine.
  • The large contents images and anchored numbers of the Q contents page.
Double Page Spreads

What I like about them / what I could pastiche:
  • The style of the lettering in the "people think I'm an attention seeker" double page spread.
  • The deep black and bright red create a moody feel for the Eminem article.
  • The orange colours and filter used on the final double page spread gives the reader a traditional, warm and personal feeling.

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